James Strachan wrote:
The Jelly code base has been stable for some time and it'd be good to get a
stable release of Jelly out so other projects like Maven, Cactus and Latka
can depend on a stable, supported release. So I'd like to propose that Jelly
be moved to the commons proper where we can start work on getting things in
place for an official release.
I'm not a commiter, just asking:
Will the release contain all tag libraries?
I think that it would be better to release Jelly with some tag libraries
but maybe not with all of them. And release some tag libraries in the
independent way. This 'big' library may be hard to maintain then 'core'
distribution and set of tag libraries. (Remember problems with logging
Log4J support and NPEs?)

I think the same applied to Morper component, BTW.

Tomek Pik


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