On Fri, 6 Dec 2002, James Strachan wrote:

> ----- Cut Here -----
> I vote as follows on moving Jelly to the Commons Proper:
> [X] +1 - I support this move and am willing to help

I will add this to the set of commons packages I build nightly, and to the
"commons-combo" package (that builds a combined JAR/Javadocs for all the
released jakarta-commons libraries).

Although, I'm beginning to wonder if subproject/project status might be
better.  Jelly core looks like it's becoming a framework with lots of
optional packages (and their associated dependencies) on top of it, very
reminiscent of Ant ...

In the mean time, a real release from Commons is appropriate.

> [ ] +0 - I support this move, but cannot assist
> [ ] -0 - I don't support this move
> [ ] -1 - I vote against this move (requires valid *technical*
>          reasoning)
> ----- Cut Here -----
> James


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