From: "Incze Lajos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 09:49:04AM +0100, Martin van den Bemt wrote:
> > So maybe there should be an xml:text tag to get this handled (don't use
> > xslt myself though) ?
> >
> I think it's better to have a <jsl:text> tag that accepts the
> disable-output-escaping="yes" attribute. You don't need any special
> xml tag just output an <entity name="copy"/> tag to the processing
> chain (the xml taglib will output it transparentely), catch it in
> a rule and use the jsl:text tag for it.
> One of my major headache right now is that (Don't want to give you
> bad tips, that in a document:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE a [
> <!ENTITY x "y">
> ]>
> <a>&x;</a>
> the dom4j linrary will output (just something like what you want)
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <!DOCTYPE a><a>&x;</a>
> in a simple read-in/write-out processing (e.g.:

AFAIK enabling the capture of internal DOCTYPEs (which is disabled by
default) should fix this. e.g. see the extra line I've added...

>  SAXReader xmlReader = new SAXReader();


> Document doc =[0]);
> XMLWriter writer = new XMLWriter(System.out);
> writer.write(doc);
> writer.flush();)
> which is not well-formed, so my processing pipe breaks at this point.
> At any "creative" solution you 'll find yourself similar problems.


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