On Thu, 2003-02-06 at 08:55, Nicola Ken Barozzi wrote:
> John Keyes wrote, On 06/02/2003 0.58:
> > I have grown disgruntled with CLIs current design so I have done
> > some thinking on the matter (BTW, I know I should have done
> > this before a 1.0 release).  Before I finish working on it
> > I thought I'd seek comments from you guys.  Check out the
> > class diagram at http://www.integralsource.com/cli/datatype.gif
> > and let me hear your comments.
> Just a note about CLI.
> Avalon has worked with Jakarta Commons so that we are able to move the 
> projects that now rely on Excalibur CLI to Commons CLI, so remember your 
> customers ;-)
Yeah I know that, this is why I haven't produced any code yet.  I
am just throwing the idea out there.  Any deliverable would have
to be able to fully support the current feature set.  I will continue
with my design and see what people think when it is finished anyway.

> One point that we would like to see is that commons logging is never a 
> *hard* dependency. That means that if commons logging is not in the 
> classpath, the package should be able to work correctly, even if with 
> logging disabled.
Where has this mention of commons-logging come from?  I didn't mention
anything to do with it.

> Furthermore, there is a patch for a completely reflective version of 
> CLI. What's the status of that?
The status is that I haven't gotten in and looked at it yet.  I need
to try to understand the patch and write the unit tests for it. 

-John K

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