From: "Robert McIntosh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I've been playing around quite a bit with Jelly and I found a need to
> invoke static methods without having an object instance, like InvokeTag
> requires. An example of this would be the System class. So, I created
> one and happily contributing it if it is wanted.

Great stuff - I've wanted to get around this issue too. Adding support for
methods on Class instances in Jexl might be a good idea too.

Patch applied. I made a couple of minor changes, mostly that Class.forName()
is evil...

so I refactored that part of the code a little and migrated the code to the
new checked exception API.

> It is fully JavaDoced, but while I have tested the code that does the
> invocation via other means, I don't have a junit for this tag in

A JUnit test case for this code would be great :)


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