Fine with me! Perhaps Class.forName() is about as lazy as catch( Exception e )... Glad I could contribute :-)
I've been looking around the new website and I like how the tags are seperated out now. One thing that has been on my mind is to povide some mini tutorials or example usages on several of the tags, mostly to show what attributes are required, which are optional, what do they mean, etc. The current documentation is pretty good I'll admit, but there aren't a lot of examples on a tag by tag basis. Even something as simple as what is shown for the jelly:setProperties tag would be helpful.

And yes, I'll write a junit for my static tag :-)

- Robert

James Strachan wrote:

From: "Robert McIntosh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've been playing around quite a bit with Jelly and I found a need to
invoke static methods without having an object instance, like InvokeTag
requires. An example of this would be the System class. So, I created
one and happily contributing it if it is wanted.

Great stuff - I've wanted to get around this issue too. Adding support for
methods on Class instances in Jexl might be a good idea too.

Patch applied. I made a couple of minor changes, mostly that Class.forName()
is evil...

so I refactored that part of the code a little and migrated the code to the
new checked exception API.

It is fully JavaDoced, but while I have tested the code that does the
invocation via other means, I don't have a junit for this tag in


A JUnit test case for this code would be great :)


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