Maybe if I give brief example I can get an answer, I have the following situation where I'd like to use a double[] to instantiate into a property of a target.

<j:set target="${model}" property="landReproductionTable" value="${LR0}, ${LR1}, ${LR2}, ${LR3}, ${LR4}"/>

currently, I've been handing it in as a string and parsinging it internally in the object back into a double[]. Since JEXL's site is limited in its documentation, I cannot see if it is possible to do something like the following instead:

<j:set target="${model}" property="landReproductionTable" value="${[ LR0, LR1, LR2, LR3, LR4]}"/>


Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Is there a way to deal with creating arrays in jexl?

I'm used to doing things like this in java inlines

new String[]{"foo","bar"};

Something similar in JEXL would be very powerfull.


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