This would be of much use, wouldn't it...

On Friday, March 28, 2003, at 06:38 PM, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

Maybe if I give brief example I can get an answer, I have the following situation where I'd like to use a double[] to instantiate into a property of a target.

<j:set target="${model}" property="landReproductionTable" value="${LR0}, ${LR1}, ${LR2}, ${LR3}, ${LR4}"/>

currently, I've been handing it in as a string and parsinging it internally in the object back into a double[]. Since JEXL's site is limited in its documentation, I cannot see if it is possible to do something like the following instead:

<j:set target="${model}" property="landReproductionTable" value="${[ LR0, LR1, LR2, LR3, LR4]}"/>

Yes, we can add the [ <ref> [, <ref>]* ] (whatever :) - I can't see much of a downside there. We do the same thing in Velocity and it's very useful.

We also allow ranges with similar notation -


returns an ArrayList with Integers 1..20 inclusive

the one question I'd ask is what would the array be? In vel we use an j.u.ArraList as the implementation, rather than an array [], which I think is much nicer.



Mark R. Diggory wrote:
Is there a way to deal with creating arrays in jexl?
I'm used to doing things like this in java inlines
new String[]{"foo","bar"};
Something similar in JEXL would be very powerfull.
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