On Tuesday, April 1, 2003, at 05:04 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,

I am using betwixt to take a basic object with lots of string parameters and
roundtrip them to XML and back. However, I just added a java.util.Date
object, and now betwixt is erroring when it tries to pass the String
representation of the date object back in as a string. I could add a method

public void setDate(String dateAsString)

but that seems icky. Do I have to create a .betwixt file to deal with this?
Or, should betwixt be changed to look at my String and try and convert it to
a date if my only matching method signature takes a date. Alternatively to
create a .betwixt file, can I do the same thing, but programatically. I
don't really want to add yet another file for mapping.

i believe that betwixt uses ConvertUtils to convert stings to other things.
so you should be able to register a Converter. if this doesn't work, then i'd say that this is a bug which needs to be fixed. repost and i'll take a look when i get the change or (if you feeling brave) create a test case and a patch. (i think that MethodUpdater is probably a good place to start looking for the bug.)

Loving Betwixt!

don't say that too load! betwixt is cool but there's still tons of work that still needs to be done. any help would be gratefully received!

- robert

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