I recieved any feedback on this..  I will take a looksee at tweaking how
betwixt works and what is involved in making a .betwixt file, however, if
anyone has any samples, that would be much appreciated!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: [betwixt] Strategies for roundtripping Date objects

Hi all,

I am using betwixt to take a basic object with lots of string parameters and
roundtrip them to XML and back.  However, I just added a java.util.Date
object, and now betwixt is erroring when it tries to pass the String
representation of the date object back in as a string.  I could add a method

public void setDate(String dateAsString)

but that seems icky.  Do I have to create a .betwixt file to deal with this?
Or, should betwixt be changed to look at my String and try and convert it to
a date if my only matching method signature takes a date.  Alternatively to
create a .betwixt file, can I do the same thing, but programatically.  I
don't really want to add yet another file for mapping.

Loving Betwixt!

Eric Pugh

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