I caution at assuming this is 'restrictive'. I would like to point out an important clause in this license that you should consider, I've received emails from ACM members who are following our project (I am actually an inactive ACM member myself). ACM is a member based organization just like Apache.

To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires
a fee and/or specific permission.

Basically what this is saying is "talk to us". ACM is suggesting involvement and acknowledgment of their efforts in organizing and archiving these algorithms. I think often these license clauses (while legally protecting the the license') are also grounds for establishing 'legal' avenues of involvement and partnership. This clause basically makes it the responsibility of ACM to decide if the terms and conditions of the license are to be applied. It gives them jurisdiction to alter the conditions for the license on a case by case basis. As such, if we have an interest in using ACM material, we should contact ACM and get an official position on the usage of such material for an Open Source Apache project and the legal bindings they would want in such a relationship..

We also have to consider here, what *copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage* means in this case as well. This really appears similar (yet vague) to the Apache clause that suggests that you cannot use the Apache name as a label to promote your project. IE you can say 'Foobar, Powered by Apache', but you can't say 'Apache FooBar ', which suggests that Apache endorses your FooBar as an Apache product. I feel this is suggesting that you can't use the ACM algorithms as a basis to gain commercial advantage over another product, not that you are excluded from using them in a commercial product or to use them here?

Perhaps, as ACM has such a large repository of public source. Apache and ACM should get together and establish an avenue of opinion when it comes to this case and other cases where ACM algorithms may be applied in Apache Source code. Remember, the core necessity of Open Source licensing is about protecting the authors rights, not about restricting the reuse and development of Open Source code.


Al Chou wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Many entries found in the
Netlib repository are from ACM publications, which
are subject to the following

Submittal of an algorithm for publication in one of the ACM
Transactions implies that unrestricted use of
the algorithm within a
computer is permissible. General permission to copy and distribute
the algorithm without fee is granted provided
that the copies are not
made or distributed for direct commercial
advantage. The ACM
copyright notice and the title of the
publication and its date appear,
and notice is given that copying is by
permission of the Association
for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or
to republish, requires
a fee and/or specific permission.

I don't know if I would call that Apache-compatible licensing terms. The language seems to specifically preclude distribution for profit, which is a restriction over and above the Apache license.

Darn, I should have read the Apache license first. I didn't realize until this morning how un-restrictive it is. Oh, well.


Albert Davidson Chou

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