On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 11:00, Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> Basically what this is saying is "talk to us". ACM is suggesting 
> involvement and acknowledgment of their efforts in organizing and 
> archiving these algorithms...<snip>...Open Source 
> Apache project and the legal bindings they would want in such a 
> relationship..


I welcome greater participation especially from the ACM, but I also
encourage people not to "jump the gun".  Commons-math is a sandbox
component, nothing guarantees promotion to Commons proper.  Commons-math
is not attempting to be a repository for all numerical algorithms - at
least not in the current proposal.

The scope as defined in the proposal is very limited to encourage
developers to submit patches focused on a small set of realistic goals.
aimed at a real-world requirements.  

I'd like to see us explore an idea of providing an interface to other
implementations of algorithms (i.e. commons-logging), but I think that
is something for *the future*.  Right now, we need focus, unit tests,
pages of detailed documentation, and attention to detail.

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