I have e-mailed briefly with Mark Pollack of attrib4j.sourceforge.net. It seems some work needs to be done to support JSR175 for both commons-attributes and attrib4j. The main difference Jon and Mark have so far is the Attribute interface, where Mark would rather not have String properties for Name and Value.

One interesting thing about attrib4j is that it stores its attributes in the class file instead of a separate properties file. I think that since the attribute storage mechanism is already abstracted in the current commons-attributes through the DefaultAttributeFinder and DefaultAttributeCompiler, it would make sense to agree on a common interface and create multiple implementations.

I am currently a committer on ws.apache.org/xmlrpc. Can I help?

Ryan Hoegg
ISIS Networks

Paul Hammant wrote:

Well I volunteer to help this get promoted out of sandbox.  I've done work on it 
before (pairing
with James Strachan - which he never committed - grumble grumble ;)

Jon, that sound good to you ?

- Paul

--- robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i'm against nominating
committers for work on sandbox components.

(apache committers should just be able to request karma and then check with the current committers that it's ok to join the fun.)

if jon is an existing apache committer then he needs to post a request to the pmc cc'ing commons-dev giving some brief indications of his plans. we should then be able to sort out karma with infrastructure.

IMHO if jon is not then the best solution would be for an existing apache committer to volunteer (yourself, maybe) to lead an effort to push attributes forward to a stage where it's ready for promotion to the common proper.

BTW are there any copyright issues associated with the Nanning code?

- robert

On Sunday, June 8, 2003, at 11:33 AM, Paul Hammant wrote:

Jon has been working on attributes inside Nanning's CVS. The code we have (which is really) good
is an earlier fork of that. Is there any way we can get Jon commit provs here? The version in
Nanning is much more advanced than the version he donated to us earlier.

If we can get some consensus, I think a vote may be a good idea. Surely he must qualify on the
multi-month patch donator principle?

- Paul

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