I was just playing around with Clazz (thinking about replacing my horrible
own hack)
and stumbled across the following. I have a class that contains a method

    addFoo(Foo foo)

but not getFoos() or setFoos(List list)

so Foo is not considered a property because of the following code in


        if (readMethodParseResults == null && getMethodParseResults ==
            return false;

is this a deliberate decision? Can I not have write-only properties?
I know this sounds strange, but in this case my add-method is 
"addField(MetaField field)" which adds a field to a MetaClass and the 
corresponding getter is getDeclaredFields() (to make it distinguishable
from getAllFields()).
For now I will create a method getFields() and document that this is the
as getDeclaredFields().

I was just being curious.

On a side note: I think it will be quite difficult to add something (e.g. a
method parser) to Clazz without a very good documentation.


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