> Then we're back to dependency issues where now theres "another"
> interface that is restrictive and difficult to expand upon easily, it
> will be hard to add things to the library because everyone will be
> arguing about what should/shouldn't be in interface, uughh. :-(
> I am becoming more and more against having these "generic" Univariate
> interfaces where a particular statistic is embodied in a "method". every
> time someone comes up with a "new method" there will be debate about
> should it be in the interface or not. Instead of just being an
> additional class that can be added to the package. This is the benefit
> of a framework over monolithic interfaces.

Preach on brother Mark.

I too would argue that the Univariate interfaces need to change and take on
more of the look and feel provided by Mark and his statistic objects.

One reason for this is flexibility.  By forcing Univariate to determine the
statistics it can compute we limit users as to when they can use
Univariate's features of window and storageless computation.  That is to
say, a user only gets the benefit of those features iff the statistics they
need computed are defined by the interface.  Granted, we've taken some
effort to include the most commonly used statistics in the interface, but
others remain that the user might have a need for but can't leverage
Univariate to compute them.  By using statistic objects, like those supplied
by Mark, and some way to supply those object data via the Univariate objects
we can eliminate that limitation of the current design.

Another reason for this is performance.  The storageless Univariate
implementation is a compute all or nothing design.  Because of this, every
time a new statistic is added to the interface, the extra computation needed
to compute the new statistic slows down the computation of the existing
statistics.  With the current design, if a new statistic is added, all
current users of Univariate in adversely effected, in terms of performance,
by the change even though they don't rely on the new statistic.  For
instance, add Mark's auto-correlation coefficients and all of a sudden all
existing test statistics using Univariate have gotten slower.  That is a
clear sign of bad design.

Still another reason is maintenance.  With every new statistic added to
Univariate, besides the method added to support the statistic, numerous
other methods need to change to support the computation, most notably
addValue.  Each addition of a statistic will make that method more complex
which in turn makes it harder to debug, harder to change, and harder to
understand.  Also, with changing existing, working code, one runs the risk
of introducing errors where none previously existed.  It would royally bite,
once we added auto-correlation coefficients again and then have variance no
longer work.  In comparison, it's impossible to break existing code by
adding new code that isn't dependent on anything else, such as the case with
Marks statistic objects.

Brent Worden

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