Henri Yandell wrote:

I figured the munging would be unlikely to pass muster. The easy solution is that BeanUtils/Net are not allowed into a combo-distribution until their dependencies are. So ORO/commons-logging would have to be in it. One problem there is commons-logging's dependency on log4j, logkit and avalon-framework.

Two points here; 1. here was a disussion of splitting logging into 'api' and implementation jars but I don't know what's with this idea; 2. it's compile-time dependency rather then runtime; I'm also concerned about recompilation of the code. Note that official release of component comes in source and binary (compiled) version. And sometimes recompilation may make code different (OK, I know, in most cases it's J2SE1.4 problem with StringBuffer.append(StringBuffer) but...).


I suspect Commons-Regexp [merger of ORO/Regexp] is far more likely to
occur and pass the rules I set out than Logging.


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