Why are you keeping two project.xml files??
dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting
Blog:      http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/dion/

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 22/08/2003 09:28:01 AM:

> leosutic    2003/08/21 16:28:01
>   Modified:    attributes maven.xml project.xml
>                attributes/site project.properties
>                attributes/site/xdocs index.xml
>   Log:
>   Made the website design in-line with other Commons projects.
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.5       +9 -0      jakarta-commons-sandbox/attributes/maven.xml
>   Index: maven.xml
>   ===================================================================
>   RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox/attributes/maven.xml,v
>   retrieving revision 1.4
>   retrieving revision 1.5
>   diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
>   --- maven.xml   20 Aug 2003 23:16:15 -0000   1.4
>   +++ maven.xml   21 Aug 2003 23:28:01 -0000   1.5
>   @@ -53,6 +53,15 @@
>                ignoreFailures="false" />
>        </goal>
>   +    <goal name="do-deploy-site">
>   +        <maven:reactor
>   +            basedir="${basedir}"
>   +            includes="site/project.xml"
>   +            goals="site:deploy"
>   +            banner="Building Site:"
>   +            ignoreFailures="false" />
>   +    </goal>
>   + 
>        <goal name="xjavadoc">
>            <mkdir dir="${basedir}/target/docs/api" />
>            <property name="copyright"
>   1.6       +5 -4      jakarta-commons-sandbox/attributes/project.xml
>   Index: project.xml
>   ===================================================================
>   RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-sandbox/attributes/project.xml,v
>   retrieving revision 1.5
>   retrieving revision 1.6
>   diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
>   --- project.xml   20 Aug 2003 23:16:15 -0000   1.5
>   +++ project.xml   21 Aug 2003 23:28:01 -0000   1.6
>   @@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
>        <pomVersion>3</pomVersion>
>        <groupId>jakarta-commons-attributes</groupId>
>        <name>Jakarta Commons Attributes</name>
>   +    <logo>./docs/attributes-logo.gif</logo>
>        <organization>
>            <name>Apache Software Foundation</name>
>            <url>http://jakarta.apache.org/</url>
>   - <logo>http://jakarta.apache.org/images/jakarta-logo.gif</logo>
>   + <logo>http://jakarta.apache.org/images/jakarta-logo-blue.gif</logo>
>        </organization>
>        <inceptionYear>2003</inceptionYear>
>   @@ -19,10 +20,10 @@
>        <url>http://jakarta.apache.
> org/commons/sandbox/attributes/index.html</url>
>        <issueTrackingUrl>http://nagoya.apache.org/</issueTrackingUrl>
>   - 
>   +
>        <siteAddress>jakarta.apache.org</siteAddress>
>   -    <siteDirectory>${root.site.directory}
> /commons/sandbox/attributes</siteDirectory>
>   -    <distributionDirectory></distributionDirectory>
>   +    <siteDirectory>/www/jakarta.apache.
> org/commons/sandbox/attributes</siteDirectory>
>   +    <distributionDirectory>/www/jakarta.apache.
> org/builds/jakarta-commons-sandbox/attributes/</distributionDirectory>
>        <repository>
>            <connection>scm:cvs:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> /home/cvspublic:jakarta-commons-sandbox/attributes</connection>
>   1.2       +2 -2      jakarta-commons-
> sandbox/attributes/site/project.properties
>   Index: project.properties
>   ===================================================================
>   RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-
> sandbox/attributes/site/project.properties,v
>   retrieving revision 1.1
>   retrieving revision 1.2
>   diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
>   --- project.properties   20 Aug 2003 23:16:15 -0000   1.1
>   +++ project.properties   21 Aug 2003 23:28:01 -0000   1.2
>   @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
>    # Banner background and foreground colors.
>    #
>   -maven.ui.banner.background = #fff
>   -maven.ui.banner.foreground = #000
>   +#maven.ui.banner.background = #fff
>   +#maven.ui.banner.foreground = #000
>    maven.xdoc.jsl = file:/${basedir}/etc/site.jsl
>    maven.javadoc.stylesheet =${basedir}/etc/stylesheet.css
>   1.2       +113 -2 
>   Index: index.xml
>   ===================================================================
>   RCS file: /home/cvs/jakarta-commons-
> sandbox/attributes/site/xdocs/index.xml,v
>   retrieving revision 1.1
>   retrieving revision 1.2
>   diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
>   --- index.xml   20 Aug 2003 23:16:15 -0000   1.1
>   +++ index.xml   21 Aug 2003 23:28:01 -0000   1.2
>   @@ -13,14 +13,125 @@
>                <p>
>                    Commons Attributes enables Java programmers to 
> use C#/.Net-style
>                    attributes in their code.
>   + 
>   +                Please see the Javadoc overview for a thorough 
> explanation of the features
>   +                and how the project integrates into the 
> development process.
>                </p>
>   +        </section>
>   + 
>   +        <section name="A Quick Sample">
>                <p>
>   -                Please see the Javadoc overview for more 
> information. (I figure
>   -                it makes more sense to have it there.)
>   +                Commons Attributes enables you to add attributes 
> to your code:
>   +                </p>
>   + 
>   +                <source><![CDATA[
>   +/**
>   + * Make this attribute inheritable...
>   + * 
>   + * @@Inheritable
>   + */
>   +public class MyAttribute {
>   +    private final float value;
>   +
>   +    public MyAttribute( float value ) {
>   +        this.value = value;
>   +    }
>   +
>   +    public float getValue() {
>   +        return value;
>   +    }
>   +}
>   +
>   +/**
>   + * Add a Myattribute with value 0.8.
>   + *
>   + * @@MyAttribute( 0.8 )
>   + */
>   +public class MyClass {
>   +    public static void main( String[] args ) {
>   +        System.out.println( "MyClass has the following attributes:" + 

>   +            Attributes.getAttributes( MyClass.class ) );
>   +    }
>   +}]]></source>
>   + 
>   +            <p>
>   +                As the example shows, the attributes are type-
> safe and provides for validation
>   +                of values.
>                </p>
>   + 
>            </section>
>   +        <section name="Features">
>   + 
>   +            <table>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Can add attributes to classes</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Can add attributes to nested classes</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Can add attributes to methods and 
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Can add attributes to fields</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Type safe attributes</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Attribute inheritance</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes, add the @@Inheritable attribue to 
> any attribute you wish to be inheritable.</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Inheritance without access to superclass 
> source code</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Ability to quickly find all classes with 
> a specific attribute</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes, via attribute indexes.</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Ant task</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Object attributes don't have to be 
> serializable</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Multiple attributes with same tag on an 
> element</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes, this is controlled by the attribute 
> itself</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Incremental compilation</td>
>   +                    <td>Yes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Attribute storage</td>
>   +                    <td>Generated classes</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Runtime code size</td>
>   +                    <td>14kB</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Unit test coverage</td>
>   +                    <td>Excellent</td>
>   +                </tr>
>   +                <tr>
>   +                    <td>Maven plugin</td>
>   +                    <td>Scheduled for 2.0beta due September 1, 
>   +                </tr>
>   +            </table>
>   + 
>   +        </section>
>        </body>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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