I'm think -1 to forcing the user to use "**/TestAll.java" to
select the unit test suite to execute.  What's the harm in giving the user
a way to execute the full test suite without using Ant/Maven or an IDE to
inspect the filesystem for Test classes?

On Sat, 13 Sep 2003, Phil Steitz wrote:

> Currently neither the ant nor maven [collection] builds runs the
> subpackage tests. Janek Bogucki just submitted a patch
> (http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=23155) to change the
> entry point to the ant test target from TestAll (just the top level) to
> TestAllPackages. I have locally modified project.xml to include
> **/TestAll.java.  I would like to commit these changes.  Any objections?
> Also, why not dispense with the ant entry point (and TestAllPackages)
> and just use **/TestAll.java to select tests?  What am I missing here?
> Phil

- Rod <http://radio.weblogs.com/0122027/>

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