Very nice!

One thing I have notices with Maven sites is that hyperlinks often include
the space AFTER a word end. Is that a bug in Maven or in the data you feed


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Steitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 23:10
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: [lang] web site
> I have put a first cut at a "mavenized" lang site at
> There is nothing new or different in terms of content. Comments welcome.
> There are a couple of errors that I know about -- the link in the upper
> right does not work and should be replaced by the Commons logo image and
> incl_nav has not been updated to reflect the recent promotions of math
> and dbutils.  I will make these changes.
> Modulo a little clean up, I would like to publish this to the public
> site.  I would appreciate confirmation (or gentle indication that I am
> out of my mind) re the following steps to accomplish this:
> 1. Add xdocs directory to jakarta-commons/lang cvs including the files
> used to make the maven site.
> 2, Remove lang.xml from jakarta-commons/xdocs (this is replaced by
> index.xml in jakarta-commons/lang/xdocs).
> 3. Edit jakarta-commons/xdocs/components.xml and
> jakarta-commons/stylesheets/menus/components.xml to remove references to
> lang.html
> 4. Follow the instructions in jakarta-commons/BUILD_DOCS.txt to build
> the main commons site locally, commit the changes and update the site.
> I have done this successfully up to the commit.
> 5. Generate the mavenized [lang] site locally and move the files
> manually to /www/
> The last step seems odd to me, since we seem to be storing HTML in CVS
> for all of the of the non-maven sites.
> Did I miss anything?  Is it silly to do this before moving the main site
> to maven?  Are we planning to migrate the main site soon?
> Phil
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