I successfully performed a 'maven site:deploy' for [io] a few weeks ago without a problem. As long at <siteAddress> and <siteDirectory> are correct, it should go smoothly. I would suggest doing it on cvs.apache.org, since you'll avoid the overhead of copying the site across the network - but either way works fine.

Either remotely or locally on cvs.apache.org, <siteDirectory> should be /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons/lang, which I would assume it already is.

Phil Steitz wrote:
__matthewHawthorne wrote:

I don't think that the HTML for each commons project's site is stored in CVS, only the main commons HTML. Log in to cvs.apache.org, cd to /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons and do a 'cvs diff', you'll see what I mean.

Also, as long as the <siteDirectory> is correct in lang's project.xml, you shouldn't have to copy the site docs manually to /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons/lang - doing a 'maven site:deploy' remotely or 'maven site:generate site:fsdeploy' while on cvs.apache.org should put the files in the correct place. If running remotely, a username property needs to be set, but I can't find the exact name in the docs. It'll tell you if you don't have it set.

Thanks! Have you (anyone?) done either of the maven deployment steps above successfully? Call me a wimp, but given the strange behavior that I have sometimes seen from maven, I am hesitant to be the first to try this on cvs.apache.org.

If I do the deploy from cvs.apache.org, what should <siteDirectory> be?

Everything else looked correct to me. I don't think it's silly to do this now - I haven't heard anything about the main site becoming mavenized anytime soon.

Phil Steitz wrote:

I have put a first cut at a "mavenized" lang site at http://www.apache.org/~psteitz/docs/

There is nothing new or different in terms of content. Comments welcome. There are a couple of errors that I know about -- the link in the upper right does not work and should be replaced by the Commons logo image and incl_nav has not been updated to reflect the recent promotions of math and dbutils. I will make these changes.

Modulo a little clean up, I would like to publish this to the public site. I would appreciate confirmation (or gentle indication that I am out of my mind) re the following steps to accomplish this:

1. Add xdocs directory to jakarta-commons/lang cvs including the files used to make the maven site.

2, Remove lang.xml from jakarta-commons/xdocs (this is replaced by index.xml in jakarta-commons/lang/xdocs).

3. Edit jakarta-commons/xdocs/components.xml and jakarta-commons/stylesheets/menus/components.xml to remove references to lang.html

4. Follow the instructions in jakarta-commons/BUILD_DOCS.txt to build the main commons site locally, commit the changes and update the site. I have done this successfully up to the commit.

5. Generate the mavenized [lang] site locally and move the files manually to /www/jakarta.apache.org/commons/lang.

The last step seems odd to me, since we seem to be storing HTML in CVS for all of the of the non-maven sites.

Did I miss anything? Is it silly to do this before moving the main site to maven? Are we planning to migrate the main site soon?


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