--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Al Chou wrote:
> > --- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >>I have several modifications I'm planning to make, but in the spirit of 
> >>consensus I want to propose them and attempt to get some agreement. So 
> >>math developer opinions on the subject would be good.
> >>
> >>1.) o.a.c.math.stat.distributions --> o.a.c.math.distributions
> >>
> >>Gives this package a more "generic" position to hold more than just 
> >>"stat" distributions.
> > 
> > 
> > What other kinds of distributions did you have in mind?  I'm asking out of
> > complete ignorance.
> > 
> Probability Distributions (Gamma, Beta, Poisson, Exponential, 
> Logarithmic, Hyperbolic ...) great examples of these are in Colt's
> cern.jet.stat and cern.jet.random packages.
> ... but are bound up as implementations of RandomNumberGeneration 
> classes...not that that a bad thing.
> Eventually ours could be used in random number generation, I think they 
> should be a more dominant package.
> -Mark

Would you move the existing ones into
org.apache.commons.math.distributions.statistical or something so that the
probability distributions could be organized together under *.probability? 
Also, I noticed that the current package uses the singular "distribution"
rather than "distributions".


Albert Davidson Chou

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