--- "Mark R. Diggory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Al Chou wrote:
> > 
> > Would you move the existing ones into
> > org.apache.commons.math.distributions.statistical or something so that the
> > probability distributions could be organized together under *.probability? 
> > Also, I noticed that the current package uses the singular "distribution"
> > rather than "distributions".
> I suspect its unclear where this boundary would be drawn, I think all 
> the distributions would be both beneficial for both random number 
> distributions and statistical usage. I guess if it became clear that 
> there was a strong separation between the two then separate packages 
> would be warranted, but I'm not convinced of a difference. Yourself and 
> others may have more informed opinions.
> -Mark

I don't have an informed opinion, so I'll fall back to the default opinion of
"lump everything together until/unless it's clear how to split it up".


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