IMHO, the Board made an error of judgement with the setting up of a-c. A
desire has been expressed to have one TLP for small reusable components,
which has been met with a repeated desire for a Java-centric area.
(Relatively few people oppose a java based commons TLP). Some solutions I
can think of:

1) j-c merges with a-c and we just have to get along. (Hen suggested a
variation on how to start this, but the result is the same)

2) a-c becomes an umbrella project housing a virtually independent java
commons, a C commons, etc. I don't believe the Board or existing a-c would
be happy with this.

3) a-c is disbanded completely. j-c is then promoted to TLP using the
Commons name, and Java only.

4) j-c merges up into Jakarta, once all the other bigger projects leave.

5) j-c is promoted to TLP using a different name, such as Commons-J.

Personally I have great difficulty with #1. I believe #2 won't happen. #3
would be really nice, but would require some humility in recognising a
mistake made in a-c. #5 is messy, as Commons is 'our' name before it was
kindof stolen. #4 is challenging, but maybe possible.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Colebourne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I too stick with the Java-centric theme. I don't want to seem overly anti
> other programming languages, its just that IMO j-c is better of as just
> Java.
> a) Code standards, guidelines, packaging, naming, integration with JDK -
> are very Java specific, and are usefully captured in the charter.
> b) j-c is already very busy, and if we add BCEL and perhaps some others,
> (which we probably should), it could get busier.
> c) There is no easy division within j-c. I've tried on many occasions to
> find one, and always fail. However there is the potential for some to
> Stephen
> * [logging] could migrate to the new Logging TLP, especially if Avalon
> LogKiy goes there.
>   [httpclient] and [net] could perhaps join Serf in a webdav TLP (someone
> metioned this somewhere....)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Gary Gregory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > #1) Jakarta is Java Centric.
> > My main disagreement is to loose the Java-centric view of the current
> A-J-C.
> > When I am working in language X, in this case Java, I really like having
> one
> > all-in-language-X Apache place to work in.
> >
> > If you consider the Apache XML project as a comparison, which has a C++,
> > Perl and Java version of Xerces for example, I consider that a different
> > beast because the concepts of an XML parser translate from one platform
> > another (with possibly [I do not know] similar APIs and object
> hierarchies).
> >
> >
> > A lot of the A-J-C is JRE centric. We are talking about extensions to
> > JRE, not just Java components, which do not translate into C or Perl,
> since
> > those languages have different base libraries. If you think about
> > what aside from the name would be similar b/w a C++, Perl and Java
> version?
> > The base libraries they would extend have nothing to do with each
> >
> > #2) TLP
> > Separate chat ;-)
> >
> > My 2c,
> > Gary
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Henri Yandell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 15:00
> > > To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> > > Subject: Commons - TLP
> > >
> > >
> > > [partially fantasy land/future ideas]
> > >
> > > The Jakarta Commons charter basically views Commons as a supplier of
> > > Jakarta projects, and not Apache projects in general.
> > >
> > > With many of the Jakarta sub-projects moving to TLP status [ie)
> > > etc], this is increasingly untrue. Jelly's main
> > > is Maven for example, quite a few XxxxUtils classes in Commons came
> > > Ant, and a lot of code came from a partial merger with Avalon's
> Excalibur.
> > >
> > > There are two easy solutions [to think of]. The first is to change the
> > > charter to match reality, ie) any ASF TLP is considered a client of
> > > Jakarta Commons. The other is for Jakarta Commons to become a TLP.
> > >
> > > I'd like to speak for the latter suggestion, I'd also then like to
> suggest
> > > a more radical [flame-likely], though obvious next step.
> > >
> > > Pluses I see for becoming a TLP:
> > >
> > > * Currently we're viewed as a bit of an odd project in that we're an
> > > umbrella project child of an umbrella project.  Removing one of these
> > > layers will improve the view that we have strong awareness of what's
> going
> > > on and we would report directly to the board.
> > >
> > > * It helps get us into the ASF community. We're a bit hidden away from
> new
> > > TLP Java projects, such as the currently incubating Directory project,
> and
> > > a TLP placement would lead to more involvement and a larger community
> > > spread as new Java projects arrive there.
> > >
> > > * There's community interest in a TLP Commons, and as a community we
> have
> > > a large amount of knowledge we can bring to the table.
> > >
> > > The last point suggests an obvious next step, which is some kind of
> > > merging with the Apache Commons project. I would like to suggest that
> the
> > > way we do this is that, J-C goes to TLP, with all its current rules
> > > community, A-C projects join J-C [currently just Serf, though a
> > > *libtool project that's something to do with compiling C is likely to
> join
> > > A-C too], J-C removes its Java-centric view and allows any language to
> > > join.
> > >
> > > The things I believe we should push for is that our current J-C group
> > > should not try to de-java ourselves, but that we allow the A/J-C
> community
> > > to choose its own delineations over time and not try and set them up
> > > begin with. Our mail lists would stay the same and they would join,
> > > over time we would decide, much like httpclient in the past, whether
> > > need new mail lists.
> > >
> > > The PMC for such a thing would be based on all active committers, so
> > > real change than the current way in which the J-C bazaar is handled.
> > >
> > > I think the ASF infrastructure group are going to want ASF projects to
> be
> > > using subversion rather than cvs at some point in the future, and the
> > > current A-C community has good subversion understanding with which to
> help
> > > us if that should come to pass.
> > >
> > > There are also obvious ties when similar domain products,
> serf/httpclient,
> > > are able to communicate more openly and easily.
> > >
> > > ---
> > >
> > > Does anyone have any negatives/positives of such a thing? Does it make
> any
> > > sense for the future? Does it harm/help J-C?
> > >
> > > Or am I just suggesting evil thoughts?
> > >
> > > Hen
> > >
> > >
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