That's one long term vision for Jakarta, and I think the best one.
The other one that seems to have strength is a focus on Tomcat as a
web-container and associated projects.

To this end, I can see Jakarta Commons going to TLP and trying to take
BCEL, BSF, ORO and Regexp with it. Gump would go its own way to TLP-ness.
In my fantasy world information architecture.

The latter fantasy means a lack of a [EMAIL PROTECTED] place, with J-C being
more of a workshop for small focused pieces.


On Sat, 20 Dec 2003, Dirk Verbeeck wrote:

> Maybe Jarkarta should take up the role of a [EMAIL PROTECTED] gatekeeper.
> Something like the java foundary at sourceforge but with the
> additional task to bring all the (independent) java communities
> together and provide a vision for the [EMAIL PROTECTED] future.
> -- Dirk
> Henri Yandell wrote:
> > The Jakarta brand may be interpreted to be:  "web-based server-side code".
> > It's definitely not [EMAIL PROTECTED] anymore.
> >
> > It's only [EMAIL PROTECTED] in the same way that people thought Jakarta==Tomcat
> > and Jakarta was separate from ASF.
> >
> > Xerces is a very good example of a group who could happily be gaining from
> > the a same-function mailing list, and yet their community has chosen not
> > to share one mailing list [I assume]. So a good argument for us to use
> > for some language separation between Commons'es.
> >
> > Hen
> >
> > On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Dirk Verbeeck wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I agree with the statement that the Jakarta Commons charter needs an
> >>update and there is also nothing against becoming a TLP and reporting
> >>directly to the board.
> >>
> >>But we should keep the Jakarta brand. Jakarta as the main java entry
> >>point at Apache and as a provider for the java news/download is
> >>important I think. (see also [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> >>
> >>I think a lot of people think "Jakarta" when you ask for java from
> >>apache. The jakarta-commons is then a logical place for all reusable
> >>java components. (and yes I think the java components in db-commons
> >>would benefit from moving to jakarta-commons)
> >>
> >>As for other languages joining, look at xerces.
> >>They have separate mailing list for each language.
> >>So the simplest split would be:
> >>commons-j-dev  => jakarta-commons
> >>commons-c-dev
> >>commons-p-dev
> >>
> >>For starting up new cross language initiatives a better medium can be
> >>found. A shared wiki, newsletter, ...
> >>
> >>Once a component has multiple implementations in multiple languages it
> >>is probably large enough to become a TLP itself (like log4j).
> >>
> >>
> >>-- Dirk
> >>
> >>
> >>Henri Yandell wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>[partially fantasy land/future ideas]
> >>>
> >>>The Jakarta Commons charter basically views Commons as a supplier of
> >>>Jakarta projects, and not Apache projects in general.
> >>>
> >>>With many of the Jakarta sub-projects moving to TLP status [ie)
> >>> etc], this is increasingly untrue. Jelly's main customer
> >>>is Maven for example, quite a few XxxxUtils classes in Commons came from
> >>>Ant, and a lot of code came from a partial merger with Avalon's Excalibur.
> >>>
> >>>There are two easy solutions [to think of]. The first is to change the
> >>>charter to match reality, ie) any ASF TLP is considered a client of
> >>>Jakarta Commons. The other is for Jakarta Commons to become a TLP.
> >>>
> >>>I'd like to speak for the latter suggestion, I'd also then like to suggest
> >>>a more radical [flame-likely], though obvious next step.
> >>>
> >>>Pluses I see for becoming a TLP:
> >>>
> >>>* Currently we're viewed as a bit of an odd project in that we're an
> >>>umbrella project child of an umbrella project.  Removing one of these
> >>>layers will improve the view that we have strong awareness of what's going
> >>>on and we would report directly to the board.
> >>>
> >>>* It helps get us into the ASF community. We're a bit hidden away from new
> >>>TLP Java projects, such as the currently incubating Directory project, and
> >>>a TLP placement would lead to more involvement and a larger community
> >>>spread as new Java projects arrive there.
> >>>
> >>>* There's community interest in a TLP Commons, and as a community we have
> >>>a large amount of knowledge we can bring to the table.
> >>>
> >>>The last point suggests an obvious next step, which is some kind of
> >>>merging with the Apache Commons project. I would like to suggest that the
> >>>way we do this is that, J-C goes to TLP, with all its current rules and
> >>>community, A-C projects join J-C [currently just Serf, though a
> >>>*libtool project that's something to do with compiling C is likely to join
> >>>A-C too], J-C removes its Java-centric view and allows any language to
> >>>join.
> >>>
> >>>The things I believe we should push for is that our current J-C group
> >>>should not try to de-java ourselves, but that we allow the A/J-C community
> >>>to choose its own delineations over time and not try and set them up to
> >>>begin with. Our mail lists would stay the same and they would join, and
> >>>over time we would decide, much like httpclient in the past, whether we
> >>>need new mail lists.
> >>>
> >>>The PMC for such a thing would be based on all active committers, so no
> >>>real change than the current way in which the J-C bazaar is handled.
> >>>
> >>>I think the ASF infrastructure group are going to want ASF projects to be
> >>>using subversion rather than cvs at some point in the future, and the
> >>>current A-C community has good subversion understanding with which to help
> >>>us if that should come to pass.
> >>>
> >>>There are also obvious ties when similar domain products, serf/httpclient,
> >>>are able to communicate more openly and easily.
> >>>
> >>>---
> >>>
> >>>Does anyone have any negatives/positives of such a thing? Does it make any
> >>>sense for the future? Does it harm/help J-C?
> >>>
> >>>Or am I just suggesting evil thoughts?
> >>>
> >>>Hen
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
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