Do you think that moving JXPath to another location will increase visibility/community? I don't think so.

It will be just another menu item like ORO, Regexp, BCEL, ...

There are better ways to attact more users IMHO, doing more announcements (milestone/final releases), provide examples of integration possibilities with other apache projects (struts,velocity,OJB,cocoon,...) and cross-link. Also the apache newsletter should be used to promote your fine component to an even larger audience.

-- Dirk

Dmitri Plotnikov wrote:
I am in favor of promoting my favorite project to a more visible level (of
course!).  JXPath has some dependencies on commons, but I don't think the
rest of commons has dependencies on JXPath.  However, that would need to be
validated - we don't want to create a circular dependency there.

JXPath users have been asking for a new release for quite some time.  If we
get concensus on this promotion, I will be happy to do the actual work
(moving files, renaming code its) as part of this new release.

My only concern is proper deprecation of APIs: will we have to leave some
version of JXPath in commons for some time for compatibility reasons, or
would archived code/binaries suffice?

- Dmitri

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