I am -1 for moving Jakarta Commons as a --whole-- to JIRA,

I am also -1 to that proposal. I think Noel was just seeing if there was interest as normally these moves are done on a project basis, and Commons is a bit different.

If each sub-project of commons wants to move then thats ok.



Does infrastructure really want to support 2 bug tracking systems ?

JIRA is #3. We have had bugzilla and scarab for some time.

I believe that the question of a BugTracking system to use is really
an Apache wide decision, since if all projects don't move to JIRA,
then there is 2 systems to maintain and learn.

ASF is volunteer driven, soif people are willing to give their time to support some tool for the ASF community, then it appears. That's why JIRA is now available.

Are the JIRA people willing to provide admin type maintance for free ?

Yes. Have, will continue. Jeff is a committer and works for the small company that makes JIRA.

The biggest improvement would be to treat each commons sub-project,
as a project in bugzilla. <strong>I also think that each committer should
automatically be made a buzilla admin.</strong>

I'll let however is maintaining bugzilla answer this. You may want to bring it up to infrastructure.

As echoed by others I believe we should use OSS software where there
is a viable alternative, with similar functionality.

Everyone is free to not use commercial tools that are available to the ASF, like JIRA or Clover.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >> http://www.lokitech.com
p. 301.656.5501

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