> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Kitching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 15:19
> To: Jakarta Commons Developers List
> Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Jakarta Commons moving to JIRA
> I'm -0 on moving Digester (the project I mostly contribute to).
> It's purely on philosophical grounds. While it's kind of the JIRA team
> to grant free use of their product I would prefer to stay with something
> free. I'm not opposed to commercial products but bug/issue tracking is a
> core development tool and as such there really should be a good free
> solution. By moving to JIRA we take away motivation to work on better
> free alternatives to Bugzilla, like Scarab (http://scarab.tigris.org).

I agree (as I've expressed a similar opinion on this list). There might not
be great OS alternatives to Clover (not sure), but for bug tracking,
Bugzilla seems to work quite well (I've never worked with Scarab.) There is
something that does not feel quite right to me with switching to Jira.


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