Ultimately your going to also have to deal with the fact that a underlying dependency may have thrown the exception, you can't guarantee that the dependency is going to be localized.

Also, its usually the case that users end up posting stack traces to the list in hopes of getting some enlightenment from the authors. Are the authors going to have to dig through localization files to translate the exception back to english so that they can assist the user properly, yuck.

Imagine if all the package/class/method names got localized? Talk about dysfunctional! These things are "identifiers" not "newspaper articles"...

If this is really an issue, maybe we should be working to minimize the usage of any language other than "Math" for [math] in errors/exceptions and let the stack trace speak for itself.

my 2 cents,

__matthewHawthorne wrote:
Inger, Matthew wrote:

Here's an example of where math might need one:

Suppose the interface (one i want to create)
   public interface MultivariateRealFunction {
        public double value(double x[]) throws MathException;

suppose someone calls "value" method with an array that doesn't
match the number of variables in the function, a MathException
should be thrown which might say
"Invalid number of x values passed, expected 5, 3 were passed".
Wouldn't the english be annoying to see in a log file with all
chinese log messages?

I think this is an interesting point. However, the class name, method name, arguments, and Java keywords are all in English. Displaying error messages in Chinese would only solve part of the problem.

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