Congratulations that Hivemind is back. Sorry that I haven't mailed before, but I was very busy and wasn't checking for HiveMind that often anymore. Especially I want to apologize with Howard, whoes mail I must have overseen.

- Why use Javassist instead of dynamic proxies?
I am yet to explore Javassist, but would certainly like to see some comments comparing it to Cglib2. I have seen some great reviews for it and not to mention its widespread use in other products.

In most cases I'm not a big fan of JavaAssist interceptors too. Furtunately HiveMind is very flexible. There is nothing which prevents an InterceptorFactory to return a dynamic-proxy, cglib-proxy etc. Maybe this could be better documented. However if you use this aproach you have the full dyna-proxy overhead for each interceptor. Therefore other aop-frameworks (Nanning, Dynaop, Spring - all use cglib) use interceptor chains. And of course this frameworks bring other stuff as well.

So what I imagine is an interceptor-factory which uses one of this aop-frameworks (my favorite would be dynaop) and is itself configured by a config-point. This would than be quite easy to use and would give HiveMind state-of-the-art AOP for nearly nothing. Such an aproach would also make HiveMind more ready to use normal Beans.

Maybe a quick help would be to make the ordering-categories more explicit in the xml-config. So that you could use something like this: <interceptor service-id=".." order="security">. Maybe the ServiceInterceptorFactories could even provide a default-value.

Christian Essl

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