Harish Krishnaswamy wrote:
I have a question though (now that you are here ;) ). I am actually stuck at the moment trying to have multiple callbacks for all methods in a class and the filter only allows me to return one callback for a method?

Yes, you can only have one Callback per method. I assume you are trying to chain together multiple interceptors?

The basic idea is to use a single MethodInterceptor, and inside "invoke" create your own Invocation object that keeps track of where you are in the chain and has a "proceed" method to chain to the next interceptor.

The AOP frameworks that use CGLIB each have their own idea of how this type of interceptor chaining should work, so there is no standard API for that. It might be handy for people using CGLIB directly, though. Feel free to join cglib-devel if you have any more questions or suggestions.


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