I know I'm jumping in on this a bit late, but just to put my 2 cents in...
I've used Jelly as an XML based process tool. Much like a slimmed down workflow tool for web apps. I built a complete web app with Struts and Jelly and with the exception of business objects, I didn't write any code; everything was in jelly scripts. In doing this I had a Stuts action that would preload jelly scripts and execute them. I also built (and mentioned on this list) that I have a prototype of a renewed JellyContext to use Scopes and allow Jelly to be used embedded in a JSP page. I also contributed a couple of Swing tags, but I don't recall if those got accepted or not.

I do know there is a project on sourceforge that uses the SWT tags of jelly, but I can't recall the name at the moment. Anyway, I'm personally all for Jelly and I really like it for a lot of different things. Last I recall there were only two commiters on it, Peter Royal and Paul Libbrecht, but I may be wrong about that.

Robert McIntosh

korebantic wrote:

I was poking around with Jelly and realized it
provides the framework I need for a project I'm
working on. However, it seemed like for at least the
past month or so there has been little activity on it.
Does anybody know the status of the project?

While we are at it, is there something out there
similiar to Jelly?

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