On 25 Jul 2004, at 17:37, Craig McClanahan wrote:
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 17:07:53 +1200, Simon Kitching


Do you know of any containers that actually do use Digester and make it
visible to containee code?

Good question.

definitely know? no

i do seem to vaguely recall that some early versions of weblogic or websphere do (i don't recall which it is or whether it's both). in general, classloader issues used to be common with early containers and less for more modern ones. i suspect that the only way we'd find out whether this is a real issue would be to cut our first binary incompatible digester release and then see how many users complained. i don't know of any modern container that exposes digester through it's root classloader.

But, regardless of the answer, wasn't the original question in this
thread related to whether a new Digester release should specify a new
BeansUtil release as a dependency (and thus allow it to not require
commons-collections)?  I still think that's a good idea, and have lost
track of the current thinking on that topic.

the question was: which way should be commons-collections dependency be removed. i offered two options:

1 demand the latest beanutils version
2 allow whichever beanutils version but include the collection packaged classes as part of the digester release

i originally thought that option 1 would be best but i've been partially persuaded by stephen that 2 has some advantages (it has the greatest range of compatibility).

- robert

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