On 28 Jul 2004, at 23:23, Simon Kitching wrote:
On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 07:24, robert burrell donkin wrote:


now this is sorted and the other releases i've been cutting are out of
the way, i'm going to start working through the release plan
(http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta-commons/Digester/ 1_2e6_2e0ReleasePlan).

the major item on the agenda is to review the maturity of the newer
code. simon's worked very hard on the plug-in stuff and that's probably
where we need to review to ensure that all the APIs are right before
they are fixed by this release. simon - are they any areas in the API
that you have any concerns about?

No, I am happy with the current API. But it would be great for someone else to go over it.

cool. i'll try to find some time this weekend. anyone else out there (who's got the time), speak now (or at least in the near future) or forever hold your peace (or at the very least don't whinge on list ;)

- robert

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