Well, its not neccessarily the point. If there is duplication of effort between Math and JMeter or Collections and JMeter, it can be resolved by using the appropriate Commons libraries. If there are differences (or better implementations), they can be discussed with the group. Chances are, if there is code thats unique to JMeter that would be usefull to the community at large, then we all decide if it should be added by approaching a voting process.


Michael Stover wrote:

It's hard to tell, but the Math project seems to have everything JMeter
offers.  It's not released though, so I've never looked at it.  What
JMeter has is a number collection class that seems very similar to


On Thu, 2004-08-12 at 12:12, Mark R. Diggory wrote:

I think he should (and did already), but I know we are going to be very interesteed in whatever JMeter has to offer expecially in the math stats area. Collections developers spoke out recently that new Collection classes should be established in thier own sandbox projects (like primitives), this gives them time to evaluate if it should be included into Collections or be maintained in a separate commons subproject.

The Commons Sandbox is a good place to get things started at least. Getting him karma should not be an issue based on the Commons Mandate that any jakarta member can have karma there.


Oliver Zeigermann wrote:

It seems to me he would transfer this without having talked to the people involved with the concerned commons compontents. I understand he should do so before, shouldn't he?


Davanum Srinivas wrote:

FYI, Michael needs Commons Karma...Any objections?


---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Michael Stover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 10:47:36 -0400 Subject: transfer code from JMeter to Commons To: Commons-dev MailList <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi Commons Developers,
    I'm currently the maintainer of the Apache JMeter project, and for
some time, I've been wanting to get rid of some of the code we've
developed that isn't specific to JMeter.

We have:

1. collections (that don't seem to be duplicates of anything in commons)
2. discovery mechanisms that could complement commons-discovery
3. A functor/closure implementation
4. Statistical calculators (commons-math?)

and lots of other stuff that has no specificity to JMeter.

I'd like to get CVS access to commons so that I could begin transferring
this stuff over.  What are the steps I/we should take?

Michael Stover <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Software Foundation

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Mark R. Diggory
Software Developer
Harvard MIT Data Center

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