On Thu, 26 Aug 2004, Gary Gregory wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm just taking a quick look at Interpolation.
> (1) Does it belong?
> I was at first a little surprised to see something so script-like in
> [lang]. I guess it does not feel like something that is missing in
> java.lang. OTOH, we are just talking about another form of String search
> and replace, so it does make sense under that umbrella.

Used to be a class in Util, but we didn't want it in Lang. Someone posted
a patch for a similar thing for StringUtils and so I merged it in with the
Util one and added it into Lang awaiting opinion.

It's a pretty basic and common thing I think.

> (2) The name Interpolation and interpolate.
> I must say that I am a bit turned off by these somewhat mathematical
> names. This class is more of String "matcher" or "replacer" thingy. What
> does Ant call these things?
> Interpolation.interpolate( templateString, valuesMap );

Perl/unix-y script calls it interpolating I think. That's why I've used
that term :)

> (3) Usage.
> I'd like that class to be more flexible in order to do the following for
> example:
> Interpolation interpolation = new Interpolation();
> interpolation.setStartMarker("<");
> interpolation.setEndMarker(">");
> interpolation.setMap(aMap);
> String news = interpolation.interpolate(templateString);

Sounds interesting.  ${..} seems a common default though.


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