Martin Cooper wrote:
A few quick comments:

1) Not all Commons components are set up for Maven builds, so the
"just a matter of" doesn't apply in all cases.

This is true, but all Commons projects are required to use Maven to build the Project's Website. It benefits a Commons project to use Maven to build and test the distributions and a majority of them do. Do we have a clear list of the projects that do not at this time?

My earlier point was strictly to bridge this "gap". All projects (Maven Based) can easily produce an Ant build.xml file using maven's Ant task, the build.xml file works correctly with Craig's current nightly build process, so Ant is the common denominator here and this solution is already "inadvertently" in production. Clearly it works.

2) The Commons nightly builds are just one part of the wider Jakarta
nightly build, and certainly not all Jakarta projects use Maven, or
are likely to do so any time soon.


3) To answer the last question above - yes, we want nightly builds. I
don't think we want to load up the Apache infrastructure with
continuous commit-triggered builds for all of the Jakarta projects, or
even just for Commons components. Having a nightly build gives us a
predictable load at a known time.

Martin Cooper


Mark R. Diggory wrote:

At least in Maven, the "version" of the dependency is captured in the
metadata of the project.xml file. When the ant build file is generated
off the project.xml file, these dependencies are translated into the
"get" url's to point at the ibiblio maven repository.

   <get dest="${libdir}/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar"
usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true"

   <get dest="${libdir}/commons-discovery-0.2.jar"
usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true"


So, in a sense, maven is already handling the correct dependencies
both in the project.xml and the generated ant build.xml.

-Mark Diggory

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-- Mark Diggory Software Developer Harvard MIT Data Center

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