Steve Cohen wrote:

If you think that I meant for the user to pass in FTPDateFormat objects, you misunderstood me. The paradigm I want to use here is passing in strings.

No, i got it. But maybe we could do it like the FTPFileEntryParser do? Try to determine if the use passed a FQCN else treat it as date/locale string.

For the Ant client task it is much easier to assemble the strings and construct the needed objects ourselves, than it is to make the user do it.

This is why i created in VFS a o.a..c.v.u.DelegatingFileSystemOptionsBuilder (again a long name ;-).
I dont wanted to maintain two methods for each possible configuration setting - one with a string as parameter and another with the real class type.

This class is responsible to get a configuration-key-name and its value as string.
It tries to lookup the targeted configuration-methods (by the key name) parsers its method parameters and tries to find a way to convert the string to the desired type.
This is done by lookup a
*) constructor with only one String as parameter
*) static valueOf(String) method
on the targeted object.

I think this is a nice glue between configuration-by-string (as in ant) and configuration-by-code where i would like to have compile time checks.

But for sure, this might go too far just for the date/locale setting.


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