Hi gang.

Brad Neuberg has been working with me on the Jakarta Feed Parser for the last 6 months, and has proved himself capable of committing to CVS via the patch mechanism. He has implemented large changes to the feed parser, such as heuristics for more advanced weblog provider probing, unit test infrastructure, and more. He has also shown that he can communicate on the Jakarta Commons mailing list concerning patches and design changes, as he has been a member on this list for the last five months.

Brad is currently working on landing a large set of patches, which he will discuss on this list. It would help him and I if he had CVS access.

Can I get Brad CVS access to FeedParser in the sandbox?



Use Rojo (RSS/Atom aggregator). Visit http://rojo.com. Ask me for an invite! Also see irc.freenode.net #rojo if you want to chat.

Rojo is Hiring! - http://www.rojonetworks.com/JobsAtRojo.html

If you're interested in RSS, Weblogs, Social Networking, etc... then you should work for Rojo! If you recommend someone and we hire them you'll get a free iPod!
Kevin A. Burton, Location - San Francisco, CA
AIM/YIM - sfburtonator, Web - http://peerfear.org/
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