Craig McClanahan wrote:

On Wed, 20 Oct 2004 17:14:33 -0700, Kevin A. Burton

Brad is working full time on feedparser and you're essentially telling
him he can't get CVS access until its 1.0. How are we supposed to GET it
to 1.0 it he can't get CVS access?

That's certainly not clear from the email history. For example, you
could help this cause a lot if you mentioned (in your CVS commit
messages) which one were applied because Brad did them instead of you.
Nobody can tell that he did *any* of the work.

I've documented the patches Brad has given me in everyone of my commits. Sorry if it wasn't in the email...

Do you see the problem here?

I think the issue is that right now for the jakarta sandbox if you give
Brad access then you're giving him access to a number of other projects.
He doesn't want access to other projects he just wants access to FeedParser.

The deeper issue is that you seem to expect Apache to work like
SourceForge, which it doesn't. Committer access is earned (based on
demonstrated contributions), not requested -- and it's voted on by
other committers (in this particular case, those who commit to Jakarta
Commons projects), not granted to non-current-committers simply
because of asking.

Brad is one of the lead developers on the FeedParser. Its a NEW project and we're both working on it.

FeedParser is a contribution from Rojo and we're both working on it here! Its very difficult for us to make forward progress if I can't give a lead developer CVS commit.

The fact that jakarta-commons-sandbox is all under the control of a
single set of karma is an unfortunate fact of our current CVS
implementation, but it makes absolutely no difference to the case.

When a new projects is created are you telling me that you don't give CVS commit to the lead developers? How would IBM feel if when they contributed Xerces that you wouldn't give their lead engineers access to CVS?

Any prospective Commons committer who couldn't be trusted to play by
the rules shouldn't be a committer on *any* Apache project. On the
other hand, granting sandbox-wide or commons-wide (which happens when
sandbox projects get promoted) karma is a key tool in increasing the
community of active developers on individual packages, because it
reduces the barrier to jump in and help.

Listen... I'm sorry if we're trying to move too fast. We're a startup and on a very aggressive schedule. We're trying to get FeedParser to 1.0 ASAP because its a critical portion of Rojo. Brad is a lead developer and its becoming difficult to synchronize our work without CVS commits. We're constantly having to coordinate our commits due to CVS limitations. If we were using a more anarchic revision control system like bitkeeper or arch this wouldn't be as much of a problem.


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