On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 15:13:41 -0500, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Henri Yandell wrote:
> > I think a pretty fair target for Jakarta is to be fully in SVN by the
> > end of next year; unless there are reasons to move quicker.
> End of NEXT year?!  I do hope you're kidding.

All of Jakarta, not just Commons.

It involves getting lots of disparate groups of people to move in the
same direction and unless there's a need to rush (which there may be),
I planned to be asking for a handful of projects each quarter.  We've
19 to move. 17 now I guess with ORO and Velocity over.

ORO seemed to go over easily enough; did Velocity have any problems do
you know? Need to ask them.

Also need to decide whether HttpClient would go over in Commons, or
become a jakarta/ subproject at that point, same for JCS. Also whether
various subprojects of Jakarta that are talking about TLP would go
straight to TLP in SVN.


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