Hello Henning,

Robert Burrell Donkin kindly informed of the existence of your

Henning, since you mentioned me by name in your last message, allow me
to respond. If my memory serves me correctly, I have only once
proposed Tomcat to bundle log4j. It was quite a few years ago. Since
then, I have been careful to stay away from that topic.

Being out of the limelight actually helped us to develop log4j without
all the pressure associated with excessive public attention. So it
would be nice to have Tomcat officially adopt log4j, but maybe not
just yet.

Best regards,

On 2004-12-16 8:29:31, "Henning P. Schmiedehausen" wrote:

> Hm. This does not feel right to me. IMHO this will lead to the
> situation that some developers (most notably the log4j guys; Hi Ceki!
> [1]) condemn. Your web app container (let's say tomcat) ships with the
> "missing config is ok" jar version in its class path and your
> application is deployed with the "missing config is bad"
> version. Leading to all kinds of interesting classloader issues and
> general nightmarish behaviour.
> Regards
> Henning
> [1] If we went down the path that Ceki has for years lobbied for,
> today it would be "tomcat ships with log4j 1.2.x and your app requires
> log4j 1.3.x,, leading to all kinds of interesting classloader issues
> and general nightmarish behaviour." today... :-)

-- Ceki Gülcü

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