On 27 Dec 2004, at 23:52, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

On 2004-12-16 18:09:36, Richard Sitze wrote:

> ok, without going back to review exactly what I said in an earlier note, I
> had in mind something like:
> commons-logging-core.jar - core interface & factory class, NO config
> commons-logging.jar - core + all helpers, NO config
> commons-logging-<impl>.jar - core + ONE helper, ONE config
> With this scheme, I believe we can scrub the code from LogFactory that
> looks for an attempts to load specific logger impls [Log4J, Avalon, ?],
> and instead depend entirely on the config.

In commons-logging-<impl>.jar, I suppose by "ONE helper, ONE config"
you mean the necessary wiring to let commons-logging know that it
should use <impl> and skip automatic discovery. This simple and robust
approach would probably alleviate many of the classloader problems
users have been hitting.

i'm in definitely agreement with craig's assessment (a long while ago) that one of the fundamental flaws with the current JCL is that we ship an unusable API distribution with runtime dependencies.

as far as i'm concerned the only solution is to create a useable core API distribution with minimal portable configuration (system property only) and no discovery (except as required for backward compatibility in a combined distribution ie no classloader magic). upon configuration failure rather than throwing an exception, it should default to logging fatal and error messages to system.err.

IIUC the helper performs discovery and only one discovery helper can be picked by the fundamental configuration mechanism. this would indeed allow solutions to be provided for most of the most common troublesome use cases.

(apologies for prolonging the military metaphor.) i suspect that we might all be marching in the same direction now. am i correct?

if so, then i do think it would work and i am confident that it can be done without breaking backwards compatibility.

- robert

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