On 3 Jan 2005, at 17:03, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

At 05:53 PM 1/3/2005, robert burrell donkin wrote:

nope (but don't ask me to find the references). distributing an api jar which requires runtime dependencies was a mistake. this issue hasn't arisen for quite a while since we try to keep quiet about the existing of the api jar.

I do not understand. How can JCL *not* require runtime dependencies given that it is a wrapper around various logging APIs? In other words, how can JCL wrap API x without runtime dependencies on API x?

a minimal core should have robust behaviour when deployed without any support (rather than die horribly). for example, IIRC log4j prints up a message to System.err and then silently swallows all messages when it cannot configure itself.

JCL core should do something similar (though i'd advocate logging fatal - and possibly error level messages - to System.err for the reasons explained well in james strachan's blog http://radio.weblogs.com/0112098/2004/10/06.html).

- robert

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