robert burrell donkin wrote:
On 23 Jan 2005, at 03:31, peter royal wrote:

On Jan 22, 2005, at 10:25 PM, Martin Cooper wrote:

If you're an IDE-only developer and you don't care about backing out
changes, merging, refactoring, or tagging and branching, then you
might have a point about a "winning proposition for the developer".
But once you've experienced SVN's atomic commits, remote moving,
renaming, tagging and branching, etc., you'll wonder how you ever
lived without it. ;-) Some of the stuff we've done with the Struts
repo, since we switched to SVN, we probably wouldn't have dreamed of
trying with only CVS.

I've done all of the above with CVS. And sure, it is less than ideal. But those generally aren't day-to-day operations.

Day-to-day the IDE is my view unto the code, and its ability to work seamlessly with the repository is key. Tool support will catch up for SVN, and that will be a glorious day!

there's been quite a lot of negative feeling about the quality of IDE support for subversion at the moment. i'm very keen to move to subversion and this is something that apache desperately needs. but the commons is big and diverse: holding this community together means sensitivity towards minorities. the day is coming when all ASF project will have to use subversion. so, i'd say that it boils down to not whether but when. we need a fixed date but (in my view) it does matter so much whether this date is soon or a month from now providing that it is decided at this time.

it seems to me that this lack of support may be due to a lack of pressure to improve support. in which case, moving an important project such as jakarta now would benefit everyone in the medium term. or maybe it is simply that tools makers are already feeling the pressure and (though they are rushing to meet the demand) they haven't had quite enough time yet.

so, for those who use IDEs who would suffer if we moved to subversion now, i have two questions:

would an extra month actually make any difference?

if so, are there any volunteers who'd be willing to ensure that this month wasn't wasted by pushing forward development of their IDEs?

- robert

I use IDEA so I did a little search in their forums. The next version of IDEA codenamed "Irida" has subversion support. Don't know how good it is because I haven't tried Irida yet.

On a direct question:
"Is there a roughly anticipated release date for the next version of IDEA? For example, is summer 2005 a reasonable guess?"

The answer was:
"For this level of roughness this is a reasonable guess for sure :)"

So in this case a month might not be enough. On the other hand, if (sorry when) Jakarta switches to subversion a lot of people will probably try out Irida. So there is a good chance it will have great subversion support when it's released.

Dennis Lundberg

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