> My major concern is that if we are going to warn people not 
> to implement the Action interface,
> then what really is the point of providing it in the first 
> place? As I said above, I just cannot
> think of any situation where a class would want to be an 
> Action *and* extend some other class.

Maybe I wasn't clear enough - I didn't say that the Action interface should not 
be implemented by anything except the default implementation (what indeed would 
be the point of that?). The point is, the majority of Actions that people 
create would extend the default implementation, and would be (mostly) immune to 
API evolution. People who decide to implement Action directly are free to do so 
- and they accept that if they do so then they will need to evolve with the 
API. As Oliver said, if you use an interface then you have some extra options 
for how you add functionality, such as adding new interfaces that extend 

Colin Sharples
IBM Advisory IT Specialist

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