On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 08:57 +0100, Oliver Zeigermann wrote:
> On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 15:52:16 +1300, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Do you have commit rights to Digester? If not, I'd be happy to propose a
> > vote...
> Well, not quite sure, how this is handled, but as I have commit access
> to commons transaction, I should have rights on Digester as well.

Ah yes .. I forgot that karma for commons covers all projects..

>  But
> I seem to remember that it is polite to have some sort of vote done by
> the current committers.


> Who are the current committers? Is there anyone other than you?

Robert Donkin also keeps an eye on Digester, though he's been more
involved in Betwixt than Digester recently.

Craig McC certainly qualifies as a committer, but appears to be kept
busy by other projects.

Otherwise, it's just me.

Digester2 is just me so far, though. I'm happy for you to commit to the
digester2 directory, and don't think there is anyone else you need to



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