+1 modulo the following nits:

* Binary distro includes NOTICE.txt in the jar (top level, should probably be with LICENSE.txt in META-INF) but not in the top level directory of the distribution.
* Source distro does not include NOTICE.txt
* Ant build.xml in source distro fails with MalformedURLException in get deps. When I regenerated the build.xml using maven ant, the regenerated build.xml worked. Could be build.xml is out of date?
* Make sure to update the repo link on the web site to point to svn.


robert burrell donkin wrote:
On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 06:58, Eric Pugh wrote:

[X] +1 Lets release commons-email, it's been too long!
[ ] 0  Commons-what?  Not ready for release
[ ] -1 Don't release.  I can't get dumbster  (replace with your reason)
to work.

BTW i've checked the sums and signatures

- robert

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