On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 02:13, Simon Kitching wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-03-09 at 22:18 +0000, robert burrell donkin wrote:


> What I'm trying to do at the moment is actually put together a
> "requirements document" for logging, after which I intend to see how
> UGLI fits the requirements so I can understand how static resolution
> fares versus the current dynamic stuff. If anyone's already created a
> list of logging requirements (including required behaviour when
> classloaders are involved), then please point me at the info so I can
> save my time!

(i have a personal list of requirements but it's not written down
anywhere. i'm not sure that it's very worthwhile since i have a very
good idea in my own mind the best ways to solve the problems that
concern me (a bit like ceki in that respect). it's really JCL2 stuff.)

i am trying to pull together a document deliminating use cases
concerning classloaders and discovery. i think that the last few weeks
have demonstrated that education is a major flaw for JCL. there isn't
the documentation to help users gain the knowledge they need to get JCL
working when it doesn't work out-of-the-box and there isn't the
documentation required to help users become developers. should also help
me pin down the issues exactly.

- robert

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