Ah, I hadn't noticed that one, 

so, a register, 

I'll also add addDatasource(Connection con)

(and make it ouput just connections)

On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 17:02:31 +0200, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wouter De Borger wrote:
> >we need at least one extra field, jdbc can't connect without a
> >subprotocol, so ill put it in front of the host portion
> >
> Ah, yes, you are right. So we end up with something like this:
> dbfs://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:host:dbname/
> But this is not the end of the story. Unhappily the differences begin
> with the url
>     * *jdbc:odbc:dsn_name;UID=your_uid;PWD=your_pwd* - JDBC-ODBC Bridge
>       Driver URL.
>     * *jdbc:oracle:thin:@machine_name:port_number:instance_name* - Orace
>       Type 4 JDBC Driver.
>     * *jdbc:mysql://host_name:port/dbname* - MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver.
> What do you think if we start with something like a registry?
> It could be a simple global one. Then we could do this:
> DbfsRegistry.addDatasource(name, url, driver, username, password)
> And end with a simple url like
> dbfs://user:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/
> And as I said, later we allow to not only have to use our registry but
> also jndi.
> (user:pass only allowed if there was no username/password given in
> addDatasource)
> ---
> Mario
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Gmail rules
Wouter De Borger
if life was a joke of eternity, what would you do?
All I want is a kind word, a warm bed and unlimited power.

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