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The following page has been changed by SimonKitching:

  The sandbox is a space provided by Jakarta for the development of 
experimental code by existing committers. It is divided into components. 
- Any Jakarta committer has the right ask for karma and have it granted. The 
right place to ask is on the commons-dev mailing list.
+ Any Jakarta committer (not just commons committers) has the right ask for 
karma (commit access) and have it granted. The right place to ask is on the 
commons-dev mailing list.
- Components cannot be released from the sandbox.
+ Components cannot be released from the sandbox. This means no binaries posted 
anywere on the apache site as "0.x" releases, as this implies that Apache 
supports the released code. Users of sandbox code are expected to extract the 
latest source from the source code repository and build the code themselves.
+ Commit access to the sandbox is unfortunately '''not''' available to people 
who are not existing Jakarta committers, no matter how good their idea. Such 
projects are generally encouraged to start somewhere like Once 
a solid community has been established and existing projects are using the 
component, it may be possible to integrate the project direct into commons if 
the project developers feel that is appropriate, and the commons community 
feels the component is a good fit with commons goals.
  = Sandbox Etiquette =
@@ -48, +50 @@

  There is one important point about the list on the STATUS file. It is used to 
work out whose VOTEs are binding. (Since there are a lot of commons committers, 
this is more useful than it might first seem.) If you're name isn't on the 
list, your vote won't count :)
+ For components that use '''Maven''' as their build tool (and that is most of 
them now), you should add your name to the developers list in the project.xml 
file rather than the STATUS file if you intend to work on a component.
  = VOTEs =
  The commons-dev mailing list is a busy place. Very much a bazaar rather than 
a Cathedral. This means that VOTE threads have a habit of petering out. It a 
good idea to post a <tt>[VOTE][RESULT]</tt> which counts the binding VOTEs and 
tells people the result. 
@@ -60, +64 @@

  Promotion to the commons proper is not the only route out of the sandbox. The 
commons proper isn't always the best place for all components from the sandbox. 
 There isn't any reason why a component couldn't move directly from the sandbox 
to become a project or a subproject. At least one component has moved from the 
sandbox to sourceforge and then finally back to the incubator. 
- Promotion is basically a beauty contest. If the component can win enough 
votes and few enough people vote against it, then the component is promoted. 
But there is one thing that is most definitly required:
+ Promotion is basically a beauty contest. If the component can win enough 
votes and few enough people vote against it, then the component is promoted. 
But there is one thing that is most definitely required:
  * Compliance with Apache Software Federation policies. This means a full 
license at the top of every file. It means auditing the dependencies. It means 
ensuring the copyright date is correct on the licenses.
@@ -70, +74 @@

  * A good PROPOSAL. A good PROPOSAL is clearly written and tightly scoped (ie. 
specific rather than general). Commons components are small, resuable 
components. The commons does not do frameworks and anything frameworkesque is 
likely to be viewed with scepticism. A PROPOSAL that duplicates an existing 
component will probably be viewed with suspicion. This is not because 
duplication is disallowed (overlapping components are specifically allowed by 
the charter) but because it indicates that the PROPOSAL fails to indicate the 
essential difference between the proposed component and the existing one. For 
example, a PROSPOSAL for a small, fast, compact xml-object mapper with minimal 
dependencies would be more likely to succeed than a PROPOSAL for 'a better 
version of commons-digester'.
- * The health of the development community. Fellow committers need to be 
persuaded that users will be supported and the code pushed forward by the 
listed committers. This is a major issue since there's only a limited amount of 
energy amongst the commons committers and no one wants to have to support a 
component whose committers have gone AWAL.
+ * The health of the development community. Fellow committers need to be 
persuaded that users will be supported and the code pushed forward by the 
listed committers. This is a major issue since there's only a limited amount of 
energy amongst the commons committers and no one wants to have to support a 
component whose committers have gone AWOL.
  * The people proposing the component. It's a sad fact of life but a PROPOSAL 
that comes from well known and respected Apache committers is more likely to be 
viewed positively than a PROPOSAL by people not well known to the Commons Team. 
Please don't get offended - you'll just need to work that little bit harder.
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  * Please give the proposal enough time to give everything the chance to VOTE. 
I leave promotion VOTEs several days - maybe up to a week. When VOTEs have 
stopped coming in then please the proposer should post a 
<tt>[VOTE][RESULT]</tt> giving counts. Only the VOTEs of commons committers are 
binding so please make sure that these are tallied separately. The reason why a 
result email is good is that VOTE thread tend to peter out and so without a 
final email, it's hard to look back through the archives and find out what's 
happened. Another reason is that it's a good way to let everyone know what the 
result was. If there are any disagreements about the result, they can be 
resolved then. 

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